We are proud to grant sponsorships for individuals that support hauora, mātauranga (education), and toiora (wellbeing) for whānau across Mataatua. 


1. Te Puna Ora o Mataatua Sponsorship will tautoko both individuals in the areas of: 

  • Health
  • Education
  • Culture
  • Sport and
  • Recreation
  • Arts
  • General

NOTE – this resourcing is NOT for general living costs and expenses ie: course/school fees etc. It is for individuals/groups that are excelling and/or achieving exceptionally in the domains mentioned above.

2. Applicants must live in and whakapapa to the Mataatua rohe.

3. Application must submit their application through the correct process and within required timeframe.

4. The applicant must provide good reasoning (and images where possible) on how they will support and promote Te Puna Ora o Mataatua, as well as quoted for the expenses they are seeking.

5. The applicants must demonstrate

6. The applicant must demonstrate efforts to secure alternative funding or sponsorship from other sources (successful or not), and personal contributions including fundraising and whānau contributions.

7.  The applicant must agree to provide any receipts for any purchases made with the sponsored funds and to acknowledge Te Puna Ora o Mataatua as a sponsor in any public events or media.

The Sponsorship Comittee will not consider applications that fall under the following categories:
1. Te Puna Ora o Mataatua kaimahi, or direct whānau members of kaimahi, are not eligible to access the pūtea tautoko.
2. Individual that have received pūtea tautoko (irrespective of kaupapa entity) previously.



Te Puna Ora o Mataatua Panui

Kua tuwhera anō ngā tautoko ā pūtea, Sponsorship is now open.

The Process

Step 1 – Apply 

Please include quotes and a GST invoice in your application, along with any other supporting information.

Step 2 – Review

Our Senior management team will review applications monthly on a rolling basis. It’s important you get your application in more than four weeks before funding is needed, to allow time for application review, questions and arrangement for funding.

Sponsorships are prioritised and accepted or declined based on our criteria, funding limits, the number of applications and our Poutokomanawa Framework. Decisions are full and final.

Step 3 – Outcome

You will be advised on the outcome within 3 weeks of submitting your application.

Step 4 – Sponsorship

Successful applicants will have funding paid directly to a supplier or be given to the organisation/individual/parent as appropriate.

There will be some accountability requirements, such as keeping your receipts and sharing your awesome photos and amazing stories afterwards.

Successful applicants will be listed on our website with the photos and stories once supplied.

Application Timelines

The Sponsorship Committee will accept applications for pūtea tautoko according to the following timelines:

Quarter 1: Applications open from 1 July to 30 September. Decisions notified by 31 October.

Quarter 2: Applications open from 1 October to 31 December. Decisions notified by 31 January.

Quarter 3: Applications open from 1 January to 31 March. Decisions notified by 30 April.

Quarter 4: Applications open from 1 April to 30 June. Decisions notified by 31 July.

Applicants are advised to submit their applications as early as possible within each quarter, as the Committee may close the application process earlier if the available funds are exhausted.

Applicants are also encouraged to check the eligibility criteria and the required documentation before applying.

Successful Applicants

Successful applicants for each quarter will be listed here after each funding round.
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