Upskilling Te Teko whānau through butchery

Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.

Building capabilities within our hapori is at the forefront of our mahi at Te Puna Manawa o Rangitāiki. 

The Te Puna Manawa o Rangitāiki Poari Matua identified the need to upskill whānau to build marae and hapori resilience. One of the areas identified was mahi mīti and learning butchery skills to support meat preparation at marae.

15 people participated in the two-day wānanga at Ruaihona Marae last month.

The hands-on workshop, facilitated by Mark Sisley, taught participants valuable techniques for breaking down different cuts of meat, proper and safe knife handling and food safety and hygiene practices. Amongst the demonstrations, Mark Sisley also shared stories of the past with the roopu.

He mihi nui ki Mark Sisley for sharing his knowledge and teaching and strengthening skills to support whānau, marae and hapū.

We look forward to seeing these new skills put into action at upcoming events.

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