Te Puna Ora o Mataatua is providing awhina for Mataatua’s most vulnerable.

Te Rau Aroha is a heartfelt initiative of the Whānau Ora Team at Te Puna Ora o Mataatua. We’re here to support and uplift our whānau who may be experiencing challenging times or uncertain living situations.

 Whether you need a listening ear, practical assistance, or a fresh start, we’re here to support you with aroha and respect and dedicated to walking alongside you on your huarahi.

Join us at Te Rau Aroha – where every person is valued, and every step forward is celebrated.

Ā Mātou Mahi: 

We believe that every person deserves dignity, respect, and access to essential services. 

Te Rau Aroha creates a safe, welcoming space where members of our community can find support, nourishment, and pathways to improve their wellbeing.

Our doors are open to all who need a helping hand, including:

  • Whānau seeking shelter
  • Those navigating temporary living arrangements
  • Anyone facing housing insecurity


Join us for our community parakuihi:

Weekdays (Monday-Friday)
9a James Street Whakatāne.
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM daily
Closed Stat Holidays

Avaliable for whānau in need of kai and shelter in the Mataatua rohe.

Health and Social Services Advocacy:

Our kaimahi can help to connect you with caring professionals who can guide you through:

  • Health assessments and care
  • Work and Income support
  • Ministry of Social Development assistance
  • ACC information and help
  • NZQA workshops for skill development

Coming soon:

We’re excited to announce that shower and laundry facilities will be available in the near future, providing additional comfort and care for our whānau

Tono mai:

To enrol, drop in at 9a James Street Whakatāne or register online through our enrolment form.

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